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Female hair transplant in Turkey

Save Up to 80% on
your hair transplant

Best Surgeons, Most Advanced
and Facilities

Over 99% Patient Satisfaction
with Body Expert

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Our patients before and after hair transplant

Our prices and Hair Transplant package deals

Save up to 70%

Metal - FUE

Sapphire - FUE


Séléctionner la ville IST
ANT - Antalya
IST - Istanbul

DHI Hair Transplant

€ 2 900
Body Hair Transplant (BHT): Additional €200
Maximum number of grafts
CHOI Implanter Pen placement
Three-Night Stay in a 5-Star Hotel with Breakfast Included
Airport to hotel to clinic transfers
Needle-free pre-anaesthesia
Blood test
PRP treatment
Implementation using the DHI method by an expert team
Request a free quote

FUE hair transplant - Metal blade incision

€ 2 100
Body Hair Transplant (BHT): Additional €200
Maximum number of grafts
Metal blade incision
Three-Night Stay in a 5-Star Hotel with Breakfast Included
Airport to hotel to clinic transfers
Needle-free pre-anaesthesia
Blood test
PRP treatment
The implant channels are opened by an expert team
Request a free quote


80% Cheaper Than the UK, the US, Canada and Ireland


Top Surgeon with 50,000+ Successful Transplants


English-Speaking Care & Thorough Post-Op Follow-Up


Ranked #1 in Turkey’s Medical Tourism

Image de femme souriante
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Women hair transplant : causes and remedies

For women, hair loss is less common than for men, but also less accepted. Women baldness is nearly taboo, since its so far away from the codes of feminine beauty.

Hair is a very feminine characteristic, a weapon of massive seduction. Moreover, if we compare with men the time that most of the women spend at their hairdresser, everything is said. As a result, for women affected by hair loss, the problem becomes more than an aesthetic problem : a real psychological issue. Thus, hair loss affects 20% of women over 50. In France, more than 2 millions women are concerned by this phenomenon, and rising since the last 10 years. For all those women, finding a remedy to hair loss is absolutely justified. And a hair graft can be foreseen.

Causes of women baldness are numerous. The most important, androgenetic alopecia, is hereditary. Androgenic alopecia is induced by hormonal disorders, particularly menoposis.

But hair loss can also be linked to stress, anxiety, medical treatments, alopecia areata (sudden hair loss), and deficiency of vitamins and/or minerals. It can also be caused by excessive use of hairdryer, hair straighteners, braids or too tightened hair cracking the capillary lines, or too much use of chemical products such as lacquers, dye and other straightening sprays… This kind of hair loss is called “traction” alopecia.

If androgenic alopecia can be handled with a specific medical treatment aimed to reestablish a hormonal disorder, hair transplant by capilar implantation FUE + DHI is the best answer to androgenetic and traction alopecia, by resolving the issue in a definitive manner. This non invasive technique is not commonly used in France or UK, and is very expensive. For these reasons, more and more women choose to travel abroad for conducting a hair transplant in Turkey, where hair surgeons are very experienced, renowned and use the most up-to-date tools and techniques, at prices more than 80% lower than in UK, France or Germany.

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Causes of hair loss among women

For women, the most common causes of hair loss are heredity, hormonal disorder, chemotherapy, stress, nutritional deficiency or abusive use of hairdresser and hair beauty products.



Androgenetic alopecia, the most common cause of women baldness, is a consequence of genetical legacy. After 50 years old, follicles inherit a particular sensitivity to the combined action of testosterone and an enzyme called 5 a-reductase. The combination of those two elements create a new hormone, called DHT. A sensitive follicle will have its growing cycle disrupted and accelerated, and will finally weaken : the hair grows thiner and thiner, until its total disappearance.


Hormonal disorder

Hormonal disorders can affect hair health condition. At menopause, after giving birth, after a contraceptive or substitutive treatment, or in case of thyroid disorder, the production of female hormones suddenly drops and the male hormones, or androgenes, production rises : it is referred as androgenic alopecia.


Stress, anxiety

High stress can cause a hormonal disorder, with adrenal glands producing more male hormones and disturb the follicle’s growth when its already sensitized by heredity. A brutal stress (accident, breakdown, grief…) may lead, in a few months, to sudden hair drop, whereas deep daily anxiety may cause a gradual and scattered baldness.


Medical treatments

Chemotherapy, or other medical treatments, can provoke hair loss. But according to the treatment and the patient’s sensitivity, hair usually comes back. In certain cases, a scattered baldness can declare itself after the hair growth.


Scalp illness

Scalp illness, or alopecia areata, an autoimmune illness, occurs with sudden appearance of round plaque on the skull, where the follicles become white and stop growing. Impossible to detect, concerning women as well as men, alopecia areata can be treated by an appropriate medical treatment.


Dietary deficiency

A dietary deficiency, in vitamins or minerals, can weaken the scalp skin, notably iron deficiency in blood, that will cause a drop of oxygen and make the hair brittle, thin and dull.

Women are particularly exposed during menstruation, provoking sometimes an important loss of iron, non compensated by an adapted diet. This kind of alopecia, more difficult to expose because progressive, can be detected with a blood test, especially when the patient is pale and tired.


Hair abuse

In progress since about 10 years, the “traction” alopecia is caused by hair abuse. Pulled hair, braids, hair straighteners, frequent hair pulling rearward with hairdryer, can cause cracking of the capillary lines. But chemical hair care products, such as lacquers, dye and other straightening sprays can also damage the follicles, and exhaust them to the root.

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Women alopecia in figures

One woman out of five suffers from hair loss

At menopause, 50% of the women suffer from scattered alopecia

Alopecia in UK affects more than 10 millions women

About 40% of women alopecia are hereditary

More than 50% of women over 65 suffer from scattered hair loss

84% of women with hair loss experience low self-esteem

34% of the women affected by hair loss consider being in depression

94% consider that their hair loss is socially unacceptable compared to men

About 17,5% of hair grafted patients in the world are women

The different kinds of women hair loss

Even if men baldness and women hair loss have similar patterns, they are different by the way they appear and their aspect on the skull. Among men, it generally hits the forefront, the temples and the cranial crown. Women, however, keep their capilar lines, loose their hair in a scattered way on the top of the head, and are seldomly affected by a complete baldness.



Women hair loss often can often result as a progressive and general thinning on the whole skull skin, called scattered alopecia. It starts on the head crown, and diffuses on each side, without affecting the forefront hair line. According to the hair loss severity, women hair loss progression can be classified on the Ludwig scale like Ludwig I, II, III.


Ludwig I

This first scale of hair loss is considered as benign. A hair micropigmentation can be considered.


Ludwig II

At this stage, we notice a significant loss of hair density, whereas scattered alopecia has settled on the top of the head. A hair graft can be considered.


Ludwig III

If the forefront line and the temples are still untouched, this type of alopecia presents a large, nearly total baldness. A hair graft must be prescribed.



This stable baldness, generally caused by hereditary alopecia, creates a scattered zone at the center of the crown, without scattered thinning. Hair graft is the best solution.


With pattern

Similar to men pattern baldness, this M or V form of hair loss, pushes the forefront capilar line to the rear, at the temples level. The hair graft is perfectly adapted.

Prevent and cure the women hair loss

Advice : if you notice an unusual loss of hair, consult quickly your doctor, in order to identify the cause. Each alopecia has its specific care. A hormonal check as well as a blood test ables to see things more clearly. Golden rule : do not mistreat your hair.


Stem Cell Hair Transplant

This alternative technique consist to inject on the hair skin, with microneedles, a blend of medical and mineral treatment encouraging the hair growth. However it is ineffective when alopecia is generalizing.


Read more about Regenera Activa Stem Cell Hair Transplant


Natural treatments, dietary supplements

A healthy and balanced diet, mineral and vitamin supplements in case of deficiency, a particular care about hair care products, as well as a softer care to your hair (less hair dryer and less hair pulling, are among the first attentions that your hair deserve. Essential oils (french lavender, rosemary, clary sage, cedar tree, lemongrass) can be your hair best friends, diluted (at 3%) in a organic oil that hydrates, nurishes and encourages the growth of hair folicles (coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil).


Hormonal treatments

For androgenic alopecia, consequence of a hormonal dysfunction, an adapted medical treatment can downturn hair loss, but won’t always help the hair grow again. Once alopecia is settled, an additional treatment for redensifiying the skull can be necessary.


Hair micropigmentation

Hair micropigmentation is a tattooing technique, an alternative, harmless and non surgical procedure to hair(s) grafting. It perfectly imitates the presence of hair follicles, by tattooing thousands of tiny dots who look like hair roots.

In order to rectify a partial of a complete hair alopecia, to densify the scalp skin, fill in a hair graft or hide a scar, but also to reshape eyebrows or other hairy parts of the body, dermopigmentation is a hair simulation solution, fast and easy to implement, and much more affordable than a hair graft. However it is not permanent, lasting between 2 and 4 years according to the skin nature of the patient.

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Hair grafting

For women who suffer from a visible baldness, declared since at least several months, suffering from androgenetic alopecia – wich is irreversible – or from traction alopecia, hair grafting is considered today as the most adapted solution, and it is permanent. Problem : this kind of operation is expensive in western European countries. Solution : medical aesthetic tourism, chosen by more and more women who choose to travel to Istanbul, Turkey, where prices are 80% cheaper and capila surgeons very experienced, whose capilar lines, alopecia types and zones to be treated are usually different from men.

Hair Transplant For Women in Video FUE + PRP and DHI

Female baldness is an almost taboo subject but that does exist. In France, more than 2 million people are affected by this phenomenon. The causes of female baldness are numerous: heredity, stress… But fortunately there is a simple and effective solution. Hair transplant for women! Want to regain your hair density?

The surgery technique “FUE+PRP” (Follicular Unit Extraction+Platelet Rich Plasma) is successfully used by the best international surgeons since more than 10 years. Once the harvesting and implantation zones are defined, the grafts are counted and withdrawned, mostly from the back of the skull. Then follows the alignments and the counting of the grafts, the opening of the canals on the receiving zone, and the positioning of the grafts according to the desired hair implantation and inclination. The whole operation generally lasts between 6 and 8 hours, and is conducted with the most up-to-date technology, including saphir blades and DHI hair implanter pen, guaranteeing a successful transplant.

In Istanbul, Turkey, hair surgeons are considered among the best in the world, with rates that are generally 80% lower than your local rates, with unbeatable satisfaction rates.

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