Scalp micropigmentation

Save Up to 80% on your
Scalp Micropigmentation
Over 99% Patient Satisfaction
with Body Expert
Tattoo experts specializing
in micropigmentation
Save up to 70%
scalp micropigmentation
in Turkey
scalp micropigmentation
80% Cheaper Than the UK, the US, Canada and Ireland
A decade of trusted expertise & results
English-Speaking Care & Thorough Post-Op Follow-Up
Ranked #1 in Turkey’s Medical Tourism
Micropigmentation is a tattooing technique, an alternative, harmless and non surgical procedure to hair(s) grafting. It perfectly imitates the presence of hair follicles, by tattooing thousands of tiny dots who look like hair roots.
In order to rectify a partial of a complete hair alopecia, to densify the scalp skin, fill in a hair graft or hide a scar, but also to reshape eyebrows or other hairy parts of the body, dermopigmentation is a hair simulation solution, fast and easy to implement, and much more affordable than a hair graft.
In Istanbul, Turkey, the various services around hair and hair problems (care, grafting, micropigmentation) are considered to be among the best in the world, with prices usually lower by 80% compared to rates in France or Europe, with unbeatable satisfaction rates.
Body Expert, an agency specializing in medical tourism, offers its services for all kinds of micropigmentation in Turkey. Located in Istanbul, we guarantee the high quality of care, provided with the dedicated service of a personal assistant, who will assist you during each step of your trip, in the language of your choice.
Micropigmentation, also called dermopigmentation or trichopigmentation, is a hair tattooing technique, consisting to insert in the surface layer of the skin tiny organic pigments who perfectly replicate the hair follicles. This dot-painting is implemented with a tattoo pistol or dermograph, equipped with tiny sterilized and disposable needles, containing organic color pigments and penetrate inside the skin around 1 millimeter deep, and injecting resorbing and intractable micropigments. These tiny color dots copy the hair of the patient by matching with his natural pigmentation. Like a semi-permanent make-up, they can remain between 3 and 4 years, according to the patient’s nature of skin.
Micropigmentation can be applied to the skin skull, as well as to beards, eyebrows or any hairy aera chosen by the customer. It can also help to imitate freckles, create a beauty spot, colouring lips or hide a scar. It can also be used for corrective aesthetic purposes, like reshaping the mammary areola after a breast enhancement or reduction, or after a mammary removal following a breast cancer.
Dermopigmentation enjoys an increasing success in beauty parlours, since this technique is more a make-up than a medical intervention. Unlike a hair graft, its a simple, discreet and non-invasive technique, and above all much cheaper. Its also not irreversible : the pigments injected in the skin usually fade out after three or four years, allowing the patient to consider, after this period of time, to undertake a new micropigmentation or to choose a real hair graft.
The range of available pigments can be adapted to a large variety of hair color, from black to auburn. It is however more difficult to achieve for blond, red or white hairs. Specialists usually use different color pigments, in order to create different shades of tint, and hence imitate the diversity of hair hints.
Hiding hair loss : for a hair loss dawning, for a partial or sparse baldness, micropigmentation is a lighter alternative to hair graft. It ables to create the illusion of a shaved skull.
To create hair density and volume : when a patient doesn’t suffer from baldness or alopecia, but his hair is sparse or doesn’t show enough density, micropigmentation allows a simulation of a greater capillary density.
To hide a scare : consequence of an accident or an operation, a scar can create a discomfort or an inconvenience, especially when the hair doesn’t grow back on the given skin aera. In this case, dermopigmentation can turn out to be a great solution. It can not only hide the scar totally, but also recreate the skin’s natural pigmentation, when the scar is located outside a hairy zone.
To fill in a hair graft : micropigmentation can be used to complete a skull or beard graft, in order to densify the implanted zone or recreate the giving aera, without waiting for the removed hair grafts to grow again. In fact, if the implanted grafts can recreate hair, the planted follicles according to FUE (follicular unit extraction) or FUT (follicular unit transplant) technique can still leave tiny spaces between the grafts, or tiny scars left by the grafts extraction, that can be filled in by dermopigmentation.
Like all care proposed by Body Expert’s specialists, everything starts with an interview between the patient and its surgeon. The design and shape of the micropigmentation and the choice of pigments are created according to the patient’s desires, followed by a presentation of the techniques used, the size of the needles, the rules to follow before, during and after the operation, as well as the rules of hygiene to follow during the days and weeks following the tattooing.
During this preliminary meeting, your expert will also undertake a tolerance test of the chosen pigments, as well as pictures. Once the procedure validated by the customer, the micropigmentation zone will be disinfected, and the session will start. It will take between 1 to 3 hours, according to the size of the skin to be treated.
Once the intervention completed, a post-pigmentation cream, made from vaseline and plant extracts helping the healing process. Finally, all the informations about the rules to be followed for the next weeks are given to the patient.
After this first session, it should be pointed out that the applied colour is always more dense and intense, before fading lightly and taking its natural look after one month. Thus a second session can be necessary after six weeks, in order to finalize the pigmentation, eventually emphasize the colour or come back on the zones to enhance the density.
The “shaved skull” style, very fashionable, is one of the most asked micropigmentation among men. It offers an answer for males who are embarrassed by hair loss. This style also seduces women, presenting an image of cleanness and virility, and has the advantage to be transgeneration : guessing the age of a man with shaved skull is not easy, especially when he could have gray hair… It also ables to say goodbye to hairdressers ! In a few words, skull pigmentation is an ideal solution for alopecia or partial baldness, hair tattooing perfectly imitating a shaved hair follicle.
For long hair too, micropigmentation is an interesting technique, especially for women, a majority of them being unable to undertake a full hair graft, since their loss of hair is balding in a scarce way. This treatment ables to simulate a greater hair density, and to reduce the contrast between the skin colour and the hair. Nevertheless, micropigmentation is easier to apply to patients with dark hair than for blondes or russets.
For men and women, eyebrows are an essential aesthetic element for the glance’s balance.
Eyebrow alopecia is relatively common with both sex, for various reasons : hormonal or genetic, hair loss, scars, burn… For women, the most widespread reason is repeating depilation, that creates a hair trauma, diminishes their density or stops their growth.
In all cases, eyebrow implant is a possible response, but it is not a trivial intervention, and seldomly reaches the patient’s expectations, for density responses or quality of growth.
For those reasons, Body Expert and its medical partners prefer to propose to their customers a safer, quicker and cheaper alternative : the eyebrow micropigmentation. With a microneedles system, the specialist injects color pigments close from the natural hair color of the patient, in the drawn zone according to the patient’s desire. In order to bring shade to the brow, different color pigments are used, filling and densifying the eyebrow and creating a perfect and symmetrical line over the two eyes.
Such an operation can be done in less than one hour for the two brows, but usually needs a second session for touch-ups, since some of the pigmentation can partly vanish after one week. The final result is nearly invisible, giving back volume, density and a perfect shape to the eyebrows and, most important, to the glance.
Prices vary according to the area to be treated and the extent of the treatment. In France, scalp micropigmentation of “shaved style” hair, in order to mask total alopecia on the entire skull, costs between 3000 and 4500 Euros, for at least three sessions.
In Turkey in Istanbul, with the specialists of Body Expert and the best dermographical techniques and the best organic pigments available on the market, it costs between 600 and 1200 Euros for a total alopecia, and around 500 to 750 Euros for a partial alopecia. An economy of almost 80%, to which must be added the travel and accommodation costs (around 350 Euros for a stay of 3 days / 2 nights).
These prices include the services of Body Expert, an incoming travel agency specialized in medical tourism, located in the heart of Istanbul on the european shore. We guarantee the best practitioners and the highest quality of the services provided for scalp micropigmentation in Turkey. A personal assistant will be dedicated to your needs during each stage of your trip, in the language of your choice.
Source : Dermopigmentation en médecine et dermatologie chirurgicale : S. Casadio
The first treatment session lasts 2 to 3 hours. The additional sessions takes between 4 and 7 hours. Our pigments are 100% organic and the result obtained will last for 3 to 4 years (except for eyebrows, 1 to 2 years). However, we recommend you to undertake a touch-up each year, at € 350 per session. All of the following services can be performed in a single trip, except for the eyebrow micropigmentation, which must be performed with 2 sessions set apart in 21 days.
Only 1 session500€
Only 1 session500€
Only 1 session450€
Only 1 session600€
2 sessions600€ à 750€
2 to 3 sessions750€ à 950€
3 to 4 sessions750€ à 1100€
3 to 4 sessions950€ à 1200€
3 to 5 sessions350€
Only 1 session500€
Only 1 session190€
2 sessions spaced 21 days apartBody Expert is here to help you ! We are a medical tourism agency, specialized in advising and welcoming patients in their medical care and aesthetic services in Istanbul. Our priority is to guarantee you the best quality of care at the best prices, in total transparency and in your language.
For your comfort, a dedicated Body Expert assistant will accompany you in each step : from obtaining your quote, to the full organization of your aesthetic trip. Undertaking medical and aesthetic care inn Turkey, with Body Expert, allows you to benefit from our expertise and save up to 80% compared to your local rates!