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Lipo-poignees-d_amour-01 9 June 2022

Love Handle Liposuction

Lecture : 4 min. par Harmonie

Love handles : this poetic expression, romantic and appealing, refers to the fatty bulges that stick to the hips of men and women, and allow them to catch their partner during the love intercourse, like a buoy to hold on to when we are drowning in affection… These “heart-catchers” can, however, prove to be embarrassing for their wearer when they are too proeminent, and can become disruptive. If regular practice of an endurance sport -swimming, cycling, jogging- and a healthy diet, with limited fat or sugar, remain the best way to burn excessive fat and avoid its storage, it can become difficult to dislodge in case of a sedentary lifestyle, especially after 40 years.

What are love handles?

Love handles are an accumulation of fatty tissue that linger between the hips, stomach and back, and can be grasped between the fingers like a fatty buoy. These protrusions thicken the abdominal belt in an unsightly way, in both women and men. They persist especially after the age of forty, becoming more difficult to eliminate when the skin loses its tone, even after a diet and despite regular exercise. Their appearance can also be the result of hormonal variations, especially following pregnancy or after menopause.

a women with love handles

How to get rid of your love handles?

To get rid of love handles that are resistant to diet and/or sport, several techniques are available, adapted to each case.


When the amount of fat in the hip area is significant, liposuction is necessary. This method of non surgical aesthetic intervention, performed under general anesthesia, is also called liposuction. It consists of sucking the fatty tissue with the help of ultra-thin cannulas inserted under the epidermis.

The operation begins with an analysis of the quality of the skin and the patient’s hips to identify the fatty masses to be removed. The surgeon then marks the areas of intervention with a surgical felt-tip pen, then injects a solution that liquefies the fatty tissues and sucks them up more easily. Very fine incisions are then made in the natural folds of the hips, into which the surgeon inserts very fine cannulas, with rounded tips and pierced at the ends. The suction system will then progressively suck out the clusters of adipocytes, helped by the surgeon’s hands, which exert “cross fan” movements, encouraging the disappearance of the cellulite. Then the incisions are closed with an absorbable thread and covered with a bandage. The procedure does not exceed two hours.

To reduce the swelling and bruising caused by the liposuction, the patient wears a support panty for two weeks. Thanks to the retraction effect, the skin does not show any irregularities or waves, remains smooth and becomes perfectly firm. The patient can return to his or her normal life the next day, but a day of rest is preferable. Post-operative pain is minimal, and swelling usually disappears after one week. Sports activities can be resumed after one week.

If the results are immediately visible, it is necessary to wait 3 to 6 months for the skin to regain its marks, adapting to the hips having lost their love handles. The waist is thinner and well defined, allowing the patient to gain up to two sizes, and to put back on his youthful clothes or his “low waist” jeans, or to go shopping for a wardrobe more adapted to his new morphology!

a plastic surgeon doing a liposuction

Why have liposuction of the love handles in Turkey?

Over the past 15 years, cosmetic surgery clinics in Turkey, especially in Istanbul, have built up an international reputation attracting patients from all over the world, attracted by the excellent quality/price ratio, with certified plastic surgeons and medical teams trained in the best techniques available and using the most advanced technologies. This is especially true in the field of liposuction and liposuction of the hips, to regain a harmonious waistline, for both men and women.

Liposuction of love handles in Turkey: how does it work

Thanks to more affordable rates, which can reduce the price of a plastic surgery procedure by 60% to 80% compared to those charged in UK, northern european countries, Canada or the United States, medical tourism is becoming an obvious choice for many patients. With the price of the plane ticket and the stay in a 4-star hotel included, candidates for these aesthetic procedures can make substantial savings by contacting specialized agencies such as BodyExpert, which organize the trip from the airport pick-up, transfers, appointments in specialized clinics, as well as simultaneous translation into their native language with the aesthetic surgeons. In the case of love handles liposuction around the waistline, the trip can be limited to three or four days.

liposuction cannulas

What are the contraindications to hip liposuction?

There are no particular contraindications, except for those related to the usual risks of surgery (see below). It is preferable to begin this type of operation after having lost excess weight and found an ideal weight, and it is more indicated to do it after 40 years of age, when the skin has lost its firmness and if the recalcitrant fatty tissues are still present, after having lost its excessive weight and having done a regular sport activity.

What are the side effects and risks of liposuction of the love handles?

Like any surgical operation, hip liposuction carries certain risks, which are very limited and rare. It is necessary to have a general medical check-up, to have no contraindications related to a physiological or hormonal problem, nor to have heart problems or allergies to anesthetic products. It is also important to stop drinking alcohol, tea, coffee and cigarettes at least one week before the operation.

Does liposuction of the hips require general anesthesia?

Liposuction of the love handles is usually performed under general anesthesia. A consultation with an anesthesiologist will be necessary before the surgical operation. A procedure that is usually recommended by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

artistic view of love handle liposuction

Are the results of a liposuction of the love handles definitive?

The results are generally definitive, as the removed fat does not reform. However, it is recommended to adopt a healthy lifestyle, to watch one’s weight, to follow a healthy diet (banish fats, sugary drinks, refined sugar, etc.) and to engage in regular endurance sports, such as jogging, walking or swimming.

What operations can be performed in addition to liposuction of the love handles?

Especially if you are going on a medical trip abroad, it may be wise to consider having several cosmetic and plastic surgery operations during the same stay, in order to make the most of your trip, but also to refine and harmonize your general figure. Liposuction of the stomach, buttocks, arms, knees and thighs can be considered, as well as on certain very localized and reduced areas (face, neck…). Or even performing a Brazilian Butt Lift.

Average prices of a liposuction of the love handles

  • Love handles liposuction price in the UK : from £2,750 and £3,500
  • Love handles liposuction price in the Netherlands : from 1800€ to 3000€.
  • Love handles liposuction price in the US : from 3000$ to 6000$.
  • Love handles liposuction price in Turkey : from 1600€ to 2000€.

To take advantage of a particularly attractive total price, you can combine several areas to be treated by liposuction. This can include liposuction of the saddlebags and inner thighs combined with liposuction of the love handles. You will thus be able to benefit from an excellent quality of care while sculpting several areas of your silhouette.

love handle lipo, the results

Liposuccion des poignées d’amour avant – après :

love handle lipo : before, after

the results, before and after a love handle liposuction

results of a love handle lipo

before and after a love handle lipo

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